Hard Work or Natural Talent?

Hard work and natural talent are two different points of view that have been discussed by many professions often. The difference between them is that one ability is inborn, and the other ability is affected by personal knowledge and practices. Some things will be simple for some people that others would work hard for. Examples … Continue reading Hard Work or Natural Talent?

How to deal with conflict?

When there is diversity, no doubt there will be conflicts. It is almost impossible to refrain from conflict completely, both in the workplace and elsewhere in life. It is human nature to dissent. According to Ronald Reagan, “Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means” (para.7). After … Continue reading How to deal with conflict?

Mechanization and Machines

Mechanization is the process of using machines, either completely or in part, to replace human or animal labor. Unlike automation, which may not depend at all on a human operator, mechanization requires human participation to provide information or instruction. Mechanization began with human-operated machines to replace the handwork of craftspeople; today computers are frequently used … Continue reading Mechanization and Machines


Persuasion is defined as methods used to influence attitudes, raise awareness, educate or influence behaviors (Messina, 2007). It is often associated with rhetoric, advocacy, and advertising.  PR practitioners often use persuasion in their communication tools, and it is a vital component of everything they do. Plato explained that Socrates believed rhetoric to be a way … Continue reading Persuasion

Starbucks opens store where all employees know American Sign Language

Starbucks just opened its first store in the U.S. that specifically caters to deaf customers in Washington, D.C. The Starbucks "Signing Store" is located near Gallaudet University, a private school for deaf students and others with partial hearing loss. The coffee shop is staffed only by people fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Deaf baristas … Continue reading Starbucks opens store where all employees know American Sign Language

Social Media and The Power of Word of Mouth

When a crisis or emergency erupts, the power of social media can be an amazing tool for businesses.  A crisis can include anything from a simple website outage to negative publicity. With the advent of social media, people can actively participate in an online discussion and share their opinions with others by liking or sharing … Continue reading Social Media and The Power of Word of Mouth

Crisis Management

Crisis management can be defined as a communication management function used to convey accurate facts and data to the general public. Crisis management also addresses specific publics in order to prevent or minimize negative publicity that could adversely affect the success of the company (Crisis Management). Crisis management is a public relations’ professional moment to … Continue reading Crisis Management

Eye Tracking Technology

             A new article on “https://techcrunch.com/” by Ben Dickson asserts eye-tracking technology. Eye tracking is a sensor technology that enables a device to know exactly where your eyes are focused. In the simplest terms, eye tracking is the measurement of eye activity. Where do we look? What do we ignore? When do we blink? How does the … Continue reading Eye Tracking Technology

Artificial Intelligence Robot Sophia

A new article on “https://www.theverge.com/” by James Vincent discusses the first humanoid robot Sophia that was built and developed in Hong Kong by Hanson Robotics and her appearance was reportedly modeled on Audrey Hepburn. Sophia defies conventional thinking of what a robot should look like.  It has been designed to respond to questions, and has been interviewed … Continue reading Artificial Intelligence Robot Sophia