How to deal with conflict?


When there is diversity, no doubt there will be conflicts. It is almost impossible to refrain from conflict completely, both in the workplace and elsewhere in life. It is human nature to dissent. According to Ronald Reagan, “Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means” (para.7). After all, people cannot be expected to agree on everything, all the time. The most significant key is to learn how to deal with conflicts. Successful individuals seem to have an intrinsic comprehension of what causes conflicts and how to work out them immediately.

Conflicts result from different needs. According to Jeanne Segal and Melinda Smith, “Everyone needs to feel understood, nurtured, and supported, but the ways in which these needs are met vary widely” (para.3). Therefore, we must build the skills that can turn conflicts into opportunities. The article “Conflict Resolution Skills” by Jeanne Segal and Melinda Smith present points for overcoming with conflicts. The authors emphasized the importance of emotional awareness. “Emotional awareness helps you to understand what is really troubling other people, understand yourself, including what is really troubling you, stay motivated until the conflict is resolved, communicate clearly and effectively, interest and influence others” (Segal & Smith, 2017).


There are some tactics that can be used and put the conflicts out of sight. The article “5 Strategies for Overcoming Conflict” by Les Brown (2014) stated how to deal with conflicts. First and foremost, people should not be afraid of conflict. Many people feel perturbed when they encounter conflict or disagreement because conflict is a part of life. Second, people should give up the concept of winning and losing when faced with conflicts. Instead people can work together in collaboration to find a solution that satisfies both sides. Third, people should avoid using negative or confrontational language. The tone of speech takes an important role. Another point, people should talk through the situation with unbiased people to gain perspective and lucidity from them. Other interesting approach is finding something to distract the person from the conflict. Sometimes it is one of the worth trying solutions that distance oneself from the problem and clear mind. The time allows people to reevaluate their positions and maybe even come back with a fresh perspective of how to solve that distressing conflict.


In conclusion, here are the most effective ones from the articles. People should listen for the things that really matter for the other person, and respond to them. People should listen to the other person’s complaints, focus in on the truly important underlying message, and try to address it. People should make eye contact to show they are interested in what the other person is saying. And people should move the discussion to a private area, if possible. Many times, moving to a new environment invites both sides to see or feel differently. In addition, people should ask questions, analyze expectations, identify mistakes, watch out for emotional triggers, acknowledge, respect and thank. Finally, the most crucial one is also empathy, which means feeling what others feel. The ability to see a situation from someone else’s viewpoint, to understand their needs, motivations, and possible misunderstandings, is critical to effective conflict management. In the words of Mike Myatt, “Do not fear conflict; embrace it – it is your job!”


Brown, L. (2014, October 14). 5 Strategies for Overcoming Conflict. Retrieved from

Doyle, A. (2017, April 21). Conflict Management Skills List and Examples. Retrieved from

Kohn, L. (2017, September 28). Chatsworth Consulting Group. Retrieved from

McKee, J. (2009, September 3). in 10 tips and tactics for dealing with conflict. Retrieved from

McNamara, C., MBA, PhD. (n.d.). How to Deal with Conflict. Retrieved from

Segal, J., Ph.D., & Smith, M., M.A. (2017, May). Conflict Resolution Skills. Retrieved from

West, J. R. (2011, November 29). Handling Conflict by Peaceful Means. Retrieved from

W. (2017, June 27). How to Deal with Conflict. Retrieved from

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